venerdì 29 giugno 2018


Completa le frasi scegliendo opportunamente fra SINCE o FOR .
Per la soluzione passa col mouse sulla striscia colorata.

1)My friends have been at this school for/since five years

2) She’s played tennis for/since a long time

4) My grandpa’s been a policeman for/since more than twenty years

5) I’ve had a headache for/since half past nine this morning.

6) He hasn’t eaten anything for/since yesterday.

7) It has been very foggy for/since early morning.

8) I’ve had my own bedroom for/since three years

9) I haven’t been to the beach for/since last summer.

10) We have been here for/since 4 o’clock.

11) She hasn’t spoken to me for/since 2 weeks.

12) Richard has been in Canada for/since January

13) It has been raining for/since a long time

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